package scenes

Type Members

  1. trait BackClickListener extends AnyRef

    Trait used by scenes directly reachable by MainScene to notify back event

  2. case class BaseScene(parentStage: Stage) extends Scene with Product with Serializable

    BaseScene case class which holds the reference to the parent Stage instance

    BaseScene case class which holds the reference to the parent Stage instance


    the parent stage

  3. class ControlsScene extends DefaultBackScene

    Scene where the user can find application controls

  4. class DefaultBackScene extends BaseScene

    An implementation of BaseScene holding a Button with let back navigation

  5. class EditorLevelSelectionScene extends LevelSelectionScene with EditorLevelNodeListener

    Scene in which the user can see the created custom levels

  6. trait EditorLevelSelectionSceneListener extends LevelSelectionSceneListener with EditorSceneListener

    Trait which gets notified when a LevelSelectionScene event occurs

  7. class EditorScene extends DefaultBackScene

    A scene representing a level editor

  8. trait EditorSceneListener extends AnyRef

    Trait which gets notified when a EditorScene event occurs

  9. class LevelScene extends DefaultBackScene with LevelContextListener

    This scene holds and manages a single level

  10. trait LevelSceneListener extends AnyRef

    Trait which gets notified when a LevelScene event occurs

  11. class LevelSelectionScene extends DefaultBackScene with LevelNodeListener

    This scene lets the players choose which level they want to play

  12. trait LevelSelectionSceneListener extends LevelSceneListener

    Trait which gets notified when a LevelSelectionScene event occurs

  13. class MainScene extends BaseScene with MainMenuCenterBoxListener with BackClickListener

    Opening scene, showing the menu and the menu bar

  14. trait MainSceneListener extends AnyRef

    Trait which gets notified when a MainScene event occurs

  15. class MultiPlayerLevelScene extends LevelScene with MultiPlayerLevelContextListener

    This scene holds and manages a single level played in multiplayer mode

  16. class MultiPlayerLevelSelectionScene extends LevelSelectionScene with LevelNodeListener

    Scene in which the user can choose a level to play in multiplayer mode

  17. trait MultiPlayerLevelSelectionSceneListener extends LevelSelectionSceneListener

    Trait which gets notified when a MultiPlayerLevelSelectionScene event occurs

  18. class MultiPlayerLobbyScene extends DefaultBackScene with LobbyContextListener

    Lobby showing other clients or servers playing in multiplayer

  19. trait MultiPlayerLobbySceneListener extends LevelSceneListener

    Trait used by MultiPlayerLobbyScene to notify events which need to be managed by the View

  20. class MultiPlayerScene extends DefaultBackScene

    Scene in which the user can create or join a lobby as a server or as a client

  21. trait MultiPlayerSceneListener extends MultiPlayerLobbySceneListener with MultiPlayerLevelSelectionSceneListener

    Trait used by MultiPlayerScene to notify events which need to be managed by the View

  22. class SettingsScene extends DefaultBackScene

    Scene where the user can configure in game settings

  23. trait SettingsSceneListener extends AnyRef

    Trait which gets notified when a SettingsScene event occurs

  24. class StatsScene extends DefaultBackScene

    Scene where the user can find his in game stats

  25. trait StatsSceneListener extends AnyRef
  26. trait UpperMultiPlayerLevelSelectionSceneListener extends AnyRef

    Trait which is used for back navigation from the MultiPlayerLevelSelectionScene.

    Trait which is used for back navigation from the MultiPlayerLevelSelectionScene.

    It provides a method to retrieve the selected level
