package victoryconditions
Type Members
case class
AbsorbAllOtherPlayersCondition() extends VictoryCondition with Product with Serializable
class implementing absorb all other players
class implementing absorb all other players
victory is fulfilled when there are no more players to absorb left
case class
AbsorbCellsWithTypeVictoryCondition(entityType: entities.EntityType.Value) extends VictoryCondition with Product with Serializable
class implementing absorb cells that share a common type victory condition
class implementing absorb cells that share a common type victory condition
victory is fulfilled when there are no more cells with the specified type
case class
BecomeHugeVictoryCondition() extends VictoryCondition with Product with Serializable
class implementing become huge victory condition
class implementing become huge victory condition
victory is fulfilled when the player's radius is greater than the other matter cells radius by a certain percentage
case class
BecomeTheBiggestVictoryCondition() extends VictoryCondition with Product with Serializable
class implementing become the biggest victory condition
class implementing become the biggest victory condition
victory is fulfilled when the player's radius is greater than the other matter cells radius
VictoryCondition extends AnyRef
trait for victory condition strategy